20 December 2005


Angelo 2
Originally uploaded by margiana.

People-Persons-Human Beings... what a beautiful creation. All similar in shapes and forms but all different. What a beautiful world we do live in! The bus driver that smashes the door right in front of my face, looking at me with a grin or the girl that smiles at me and asks where I got the hair pin from. The guy that stinks like nothing else in the world and the little boy that is visibly happy due to the music in his headphones. The friend that breaks your heart and the one that heals it. The happy and the sad, the worried and the vain... there's something of somebody in everybody and yet so many combinations of everything end up with some sort of perfect mix. No matter if you are good or bad, beautiful or hugly... each one of us has some specialty.
Today I had the chance to share not more than 1 hour and a half with Ester, an ex-airport-collegue who lives now in Swiss to join a project of Youth for Christ .We did not had a lot of time to talk, we barely explained what's happening, mostly because I have been in a monologue due to my unemployment situation but... there have been connections. There has been a 'sharing' something... and this Something it's Important because it heals the wounded hearts and reminds me that living following our own ideals and beliefs should make us proud of who we choose to be and of what we choose to do.
Need to keep it in mind! Thanks Ester!

1 comment:

Margiana said...

Jenny thank u for always be so kind with me... think that one of the main reason why I write this blog is to communicate with u and SHARE with u my everyday thoughts and things. This is something that motivates me to keep on updating my poor english.