26 April 2006

Beautiful wedding!

Originally uploaded by margiana.

Last Sunday Andrea and I attended Sandro and Rita wedding!
It has been a very touching ceremony. The priest said beautiful things. He said he had to give them a bad news: It is hard, very hard! And the whole mass was based upon this concept. It is hard to bring on a relationship... but as soon as we commit to our beloved and are willing to communicate and exchange and share a whole life with him/her, than things are beautiful. Well, there are thousands of things he said that I am not able to reproduce here as he did. But I cried and laugh loud several times. It has been really inspiring!
Then we went to a beautiful villa for the lunch... and later had the cake in the garden. The day was gorgeous and everything went up fine. I was so happy for them.
As for me... well, tomorrow Andrea and I are gonna 'promise our marriage' in the city hall. This is nothing of a special importance but I feel excited!

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