23 May 2007


This morning I had to go to work at 4am since there were a couple of special charter flights to Athens because of the Football Champions League Final fans.
I woke up at 3 and while riding the bike to work it also rained a little so to raise the percentage of humidity in the air...

By the way, at 11.15 I was already home. I had a shower and then had lunch by friend Patty.

After lunch Patty, Fabiola and I headed to the beautician for a beauty-treatment!

Yes! To award Patty and me for the support in a difficult moment of her life, Fabiola gave us as a gift a beauty treatment on our choice!

I just got home from this super-special-relaxing-exfoliating-scrub made with a some special kind of salt and essential oils! I feel brand-new...except that I am so relaxed I wish I could just lay on the beach and sleep until tomorrow... when I should be ready for another hot day at work!
I am happy!


Sarah said...

Ach--that's too early! I'm impressed that you can ride a bike at that time of day; I'd drive into traffic, I'm sure.

I've never had a salt scrub before. What essential oils did they use?

Spoiled days are nice now and then. Good for you!

Margiana said...

I don't know the essential oils.. it was some relaxing-exotic-violet liquid... I was too much into another dimention to ask;-)