23 November 2005

Slowly recovering

OK... so now I think it's time to recover.... I'll be writing in english sometimes so that my foreigner friends can have a look and stick their noses in my daily routine...
So yesterday I went to the airport and had to take my stuff out of my locker and it was nothing fun.... I saw my collegues and everything else... and when I got out of it I was feeling really very sad.
But life goes on and I have to really start reacting. I came backhome and decided to cook a cake called 'castagnaccio': it's easy, not too sweet and really great for the season....Castagnaccio not exactly this recipe but similar....
Then Fabiola came to visit, she came out of a union meeting where they discussed about the employees excess and she was pretty much worried.
She's really upset since she has the loan to pay and is on her own... so to cover the sadness we just ate the castagnaccio and drink herbal infusion.

This morning the washing-machine-guy came to visit my washing machine.... and guess what?... it's ok. So I only had to pay the 30 € for the guy. But I'm happy I thought I had to pay over 100€.
So now we'll see for tomorrow since the heater-boiler-guy will come for the annual tests...
How is it possible that everyday we have to take hand on the pocket?

By the way... the money are not all... this is why I have to change perspective in looking at things... So now I'm waiting for an answer from Ikea and hopefully it will be before Christmas.... meanwhile I'll keep working in the swimming-pool.

Need to keep active... but today is snowing (I don't like the snow) and can't go out walking... need to home execise.

OK Gotta go now.... not said much but I'll try to bring out more interesting topics next.

1 comment:

Margiana said...

Yeah.... sorry you're so tired... but there'll be a time in which we'll skip from english to italian and vice versa...:-)