30 December 2008


Today I had the 41st week fetal control and everything is perfect. Baby Gilda is doing good, she has plenty of liquid to swim in and I have rare contractions. By the way the hospital wants me in because their therapeutic protocol is that at 41 week+1 day the labor must be induced.
I save you all my protests for this thing but at the very end I had to surrender to the system.
Tomorrow morning I will check in the hospital and we'll see if prostaglandin and oxytocin will do their job in a day or two.
The thing that I really don't like is that I will have to spend my labor in the hospital room, sharing my pain and intimacy with some other woman I don't know... and Andrea won't be with me until the real labor (when my womb will be 3-4 cms wide).

In the meanwhile, today I did everything in my power to help Gilda come out naturally... Andrea stayed at home from work and we "spent" some time together, than took raspberry leaves extract drops, and we walked all the way up to San Luca which is some 3.5kms to go and the same to come down.
At this point I just have to finish to prepare the bag for the hospital and try to sleep and save energies for tomorrow.

The next post will be with my baby! So weird!

26 December 2008


Waiting is hard! I can tell you and I am really not good at it.
The thing is that every morning I wake up and think that it can be The Day... and I am overwhelmed by different and contrasting feelings... joy, fear, terror, happyness and so on.
Can you imagine waking up and thinking that may be the day that will change your life? The day in which your first born child will be born, giving you the worse pain and the greater joy?
So I just end up imagine the whole process of getting into labor and give birth but then I know it's totally useless because things will go in a total different way of my imagination... and puff! everything must go on the way it is.... and I just stare out of the window still wondering if today will be that Day or not! Be patient Germana, be patient!

18 December 2008

Same Lesson....

It's always the same lesson and I don't want to learn! How am I so stupid?
Over the years I have always fight with my impatience... and still here I am doing the same thing.
I am impatient to see this little baby, her due date is still not here but it has been weeks that I am waiting for her to come out... without the slight respect for her from my side. I'm rude. I mean she has all the rights to stay in the "world of no needs" for as long as possible... but no, I am curious and she should just pop out!
I talk to her, try to be nice and tell her that I am curious, that I love her, that I wish I could hold her in my arms...but today I could hear clearly her voice... saying in a Roman slang: "Com'on mom... don't stress me out. Don't you know that I will go out when, where and with who I'd love to? Don't you understand you have no power on those things?"...and suddenly it strikes me; I will listen to those kind of phrases more than once in the future.
So again... I am dumb! I don't learn :-(

14 December 2008

Big dinner!

Last night I entered a long post about this dinner but Blogger kicked me out!!! So I'll make it short now.
Yesterday I started cooking aroun 2pm and went to bed at 1.30am. Andrea helped me a lot and we had fun althought I was dead tired by the time I reached the bed.
We cooked for 9 (the 2 of us included) and it's something I am not very fond in. I usually cook well for 4-6 persons but for more I am not so comfortable. I'm always afraid the pasta overcooks or the portions are not enough.
By the way, all went perfectly.

Here's the menu:

  • Hors d'oevre: diced cheese, tortilla chips with hummus, spicy olives, and spicy nuts... all accompanied with white Prosecco di Valdobbiadene.
  • First course: spaghettoni with porcini mushrooms, tomatoes, fried eggplants, sage and basils. Accompanied with red wine Rosso di Montalcino;
  • Second course: roast veal with celery, carrots and onion sauce and roasted potatoes accompanied with red Vino Nobile di Montepulciano;
  • Dessert: chocolate tenderness cake with wipped cream and Spumante wine.

The dinner was good after all... but a lot of work... considering also the fact that the night before I woke up at 5.30 read until 8, at 9 I went to collect part of my Spice Friends' b-day gift at the beautician by having a manicure (they gave me a gift card to spend at this beautician!!!!)... than came home, eat and cleaned and then started cooking.

Everything else is pretty fine. Gilda moves slowly now that is getting bigger... my belly leavens everyday... I have the feeling I am going to explode. Last night, after dinner I had this feeling that my button-belly was going to uncork!!! But still no signs...

It rains! Again....

10 December 2008

Searching for signs.

It's incredible how impatient I am. I am so curious to see my baby at this stage!
Every morning I wake up and listen to my body carefully in search of signs that will show me the way of the big event. I don't find anything. Later I move the curtains and look outside in search of other signs... no signs so far.
I keep on talking to the little human being in my womb and she keeps moving... swimming in this "no-needs world" and I think I understand why she doesn't want to come out! Outside is grey and it is starting raining... yesterday was so sunny and brisk... but she doesn't know about all this. She just wants to enjoy every single moment of a state that will never exist again. How can I blame her! So I keep on caressing my belly to let her know that I am here... just waiting for her. Ouff! more weeks to go!