31 October 2006

It's Fall!

Apples Originally uploaded by margiana.

And here is the fall....
When I was younger I did not like autumn: it was time to go back to school, no more time to go to the beach and at 5pm is already 'night'.
Lately I find myself really in love with this season.
I love the colours and the lights but above all I love the continuous return to Earth!
Leaves fall to earth transformed by the time in shape and colours, flowers do their last blooming before going to sleep and their colours are astonishing also if I saw them during the whole summer.
In a way it's a more spectacular spring. It's not only about birth but also about death....death with the certainty of a resurrection.
That is why in autumn I prepare the soil for the spring, I plant the bulbs projecting the explotion of the fresh colours of flowers in the spring and put to rest those plants that want to sleep in the winter... I find this full of Hope and Love.
You too have a good day!

25 October 2006

Unpaid holidays

Sorry I haven't been posting lately... but this is always a busy period of the year... busy because I have to distract my mind from the fact that I am jobless again!
I wish I could post some of my wedding pics or some of my everyday life's but since we don't own a pc (see.... Andrea is a pc programmer and doesn't own a pc...aren't we weird?) and I don't want to load the pics on this pc... I'll have to wait until Andrea brings home another pc.
So pics apart... I have been doing lots of things lately.
I'm working at the local swimming pool again but only twice or three times a week, then... from november I'll probably babysit the twins of my friend and meanwhile I hope the airport will call me back!
Andrea and I welcomed our new piece of jewellery in our kitchen: the dish-washing-machine. I know the enthusiasm for this household appliance may sounds strange to Americans since you almost always have it in your kitchen, but this is our absolutely 1st dish-washer and our rythms are happily changing due to its arrival in our life. Not only we'll save water for washing the dishes but we save time that we can spend together!!! The kitchen is now always clean and we can use as many plates and cutlery as we wish. We're happy:-)
Moreover we have been assembling IKEA furnitures in the week end and I still have to put everything in order but I give priority to the gardening because of the good weather.
Yesterday and today is a sunny warm day since Scirocco is blowing and I washed as many clothes possible so to dry out in the sun. I'm back into my gardening since this last summer I did not cuddle it as I use to and once back from the honeymoon I found a lot of plants deceased thanks to my so-called friend who offered to water them:-(
In the future.... lots of clothes to iron, some other cleanings to do, selecting wedding pictures and produce an album and cd and stuff, write and send thank you cards ect.... and enjoy the city a little more.
This is the perfect season to walk around in Bologna. The colours of the fall match with those of the city and the weather still lets you go out.
Gotta go out in my garden now....

10 October 2006

Period of adjustment!

...yes we are home...
yes we are still surrounded by wedding gifts and unpacked backpacks.
Moreover last friday we went to IKEA to buy a new closet for the bathroom and a furniture to put in the 'access area', we also bought 2 chairs and this trolley for the kitchen... so now we have right in the middle of the living room some furniture that we still have to put in their places... the house is dirty and a mess but I had to go to work right the day we arrived and tomorrow is my 'so-to-say' day off...but I'll have to do my houseworks. Moreover the garden is a mess.... some plants have died while we were abroad and the weeds infested the lawn. So...after the house there's the garden.
I also should invite tons of people at home who wants to see pictures of the wedding and I'd like to post some pics on the blog, but it requires a little time.
Hope to be able to do all this soon.

02 October 2006

Back in OUR home!

Just a few lines to tell you we survived the passage from the holiday to OUR own house.... my parents let us barely breath but we are home safe and sound. Tomorrow afternoon I have the late shift at work at the airport but from the day after tomorrow I'll try to start with my life and to contact as much as possible you my friends.
I'm happy!!!