31 October 2006

It's Fall!

Apples Originally uploaded by margiana.

And here is the fall....
When I was younger I did not like autumn: it was time to go back to school, no more time to go to the beach and at 5pm is already 'night'.
Lately I find myself really in love with this season.
I love the colours and the lights but above all I love the continuous return to Earth!
Leaves fall to earth transformed by the time in shape and colours, flowers do their last blooming before going to sleep and their colours are astonishing also if I saw them during the whole summer.
In a way it's a more spectacular spring. It's not only about birth but also about death....death with the certainty of a resurrection.
That is why in autumn I prepare the soil for the spring, I plant the bulbs projecting the explotion of the fresh colours of flowers in the spring and put to rest those plants that want to sleep in the winter... I find this full of Hope and Love.
You too have a good day!

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