20 December 2007


Maybe I found out why I was such a dormouse in the last days.
Yesterday I was going to get out to do some errands when I felt suddenly dizzy and warm. I thought it was because I woke up at 3 to work in the cold night but then I felt strange... it was fever.
So I decided not to go and I lie down on the couch hoping to read something. But my eye bulbs hurted so I just rolled up in a couple of blankets and closed my eyes.
The momories suddenly ran to my childhood when fever meant MOM. My mom was always there when I needed something... to go to the bathroom, a glass of water, something to eat, a caress, a kiss... there she was.
My fever raised and I felt lonely. Monocolo did the possible by lying on my feet and creating the 'cuddles' athmosfere but... I felt lonely, until Andrea came back, prepared a camomile tea, gave me water and caresses and sweet kisses...
I can tell you it's not like Mom's hands, but it's my present and my future.

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