11 September 2008


I have always had the feeling of being lucky and after I met Andrea this feeling grew into certitude.
But there are days when I really feel that lucky plays such an important role in my life that I almost feel guilty for so much in my way.
Yesterday I spent the whole morning at the hospital to support my friend who has been hospitalized because she has a tingling feeling in her right leg who is now raising up to her right arm. Nobody knows what's up with her and today they're going to have a cervical MR and tomorrow they're going to sting her in her back to take a sample of her cerebrospinal fluid. Then she'll have to stay in a bed for another day and they will start some sort of cure.
After that I went with another friend of mine at lunch and went around to buy another friend's b-day present.
This friend is pregnant at her 22nd week, exactly 4 weeks less than me. And now she and her husband just found out that a rare form of hernia diaphragmatic that is growing inside her baby. That means that her baby will have a major surgery right after she will be born and that the chances of living are not high.
She's living the hell out of her happy life... and I feel I am powerless.
I also found out that another collegue of mine who is pregnant too (we are 5 to be pregnant at the moment) has a problem with her fetus too.
I can't believe that 2 out of 5 pregs have major problem with their babies... isn't it a very high percentage?
So now... there's pretty nothing I can do to help those people to feel better. I can only pray my God to help them. Maybe you too may pray your God or your belief or simply send some positive thoughts to those persons.
Thank you.


Sarah said...

Wow--I guess we can all just do the best we can, and hope it all turns out.

Sarah said...

and I know that sounds completely ineffectual, but it is one of those situations were words don't come easy to me.