09 March 2007

Random thoughts!

Random thoughts... and actions. I move in no specific direction... I wander.
It may be the weather: the cherry tree is almost blooming, in the garden I had yellow daisy blooming throughout the winter; tulips, hyacinths and narcissus are bloomed and almost finished.
I feel a little lost... it's not use to be spring in late february and early march.
I booked a supercheap flight to Mexico- Cancun or Merida but we'll find out of the confirmation only 3 days before departure due on march the 20th so I'm here with all my fingers crossed waiting for a YES. But at the same time I'd like to read the Lonely Planet and plan the tour of Chiapas and Yucatan but I can't because then, if I can't go, I'll be desperate. So I am saving enthusiasm.
Tomorrow I'll have a 3 hour sewing machine class... so I'll be able to replace zips and take the hem to the trousers. Other 3 hours next saturday.
I should do the gardening but I am waiting to see if I leave to Mexico or not to be more present to my baby plants and grass.
Meanwhile I'm trying not to think about my 11th short term contract at the airport, since I won't have a permanent one this time either... I really don't know what to do.
I wish I could change the world and talk to the heart of some people. I wish politics should just work for the people and not for the money only. I wish we could all live a simpler life with no other needs but to love and live happily.
It may be this Lent period and all the thoughts about inconditional love.

I wish I could just hang with my overseas friends without thinking of the time zone... just have the "Teletrasporto" that was in Star Trek (I don't know the english word... I'm talking about that thing that could bring you somewhere else in a sec... you just go down the beam of light and you are suddenly in another place) and take a cappuccino in a nice place in Portland, or a veggy meal in Malibu, a "Thursday walk" in Cambrige or a cooking exchange in San Antonio.....

That's all for now... random thoughts are getting crazy thoughts inside and out!


meeralee said...

Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry about the airport contract! My company does exactly the same thing, and it's totally unfair. You deserve better.

I am with you on the teleportation machine. Hurry up, scientists! What are you good for?



Margiana said...

Thanks Meera. We'll find out what to do someday soon:-)