11 May 2007

Be a blood donor but don't go to Mexico!

My Spice-friend and I decided to become donors of blood. There are several reasons for this:
  1. in Italy blood supplies are really scarse;
  2. we can get blood tests for free;
  3. they give a coupon for a free-breakfast;
  4. you can stay home from work and being payed anyway;

It all started because of the good cause; then we all found out that we needed a blood test for one reason or another; we love to have breakfast together but above all it never happen that we have a day off all together (we work in shifts).

But it isn't working right:

  • one is pregnant;
  • another had her period;
  • the third had to undergo a small surgery;

Patrizia and I decided to go!

To tell you the truth I am not really brave when it comes to blood, so the day before I really put myself in the preparation for a 'special' day. I drank some 3 liters of water (it is very important to drink), I relaxed and tried to do, read and listen to only good things so to be in a good mood. We reached the place and filled up a survey, then somebody stung my third finger of the left hand to test the glucose, then I had to go for the last visit (preamble: I already did all those things the first time I went there and after a tons of blood tests and visits and surveys they declared I was suitable to donate my blood)...by the way I went in for the visit and the doctor examined the survey and I answered to the question if I travelled in the last 4 months I answered yes. The doctor asked me where exactly I travelled and showed me a map so that I could pin the trip.... I thought she was interested in my trip but... she prohibits me to donate for the next 6 months since that area is at risk for malaria and some dozen other illness. I was really frustrated. I went to assist my friend in her generous act and was almost fainting for that. But we had our free breakfast and our day off.

My question is why they don't tell those things in first place?


Sarah said...

Good on you for trying, though!

Margiana said...

I'll try again in september:-(

meeralee said...

Poor you. I think there are so many factors that can make you unsuitable for donating at any given time that it's easier for them to just ask you all the questions at once when you come. I donate blood whenever I can and find it perversely pleasurable -- I like the whole process, lying down pumping my hand, feeling slightly faint, being given a cookie and a drink (free breakfast! That's generous!) at the end, experiencing the satisfaction of being virtuous. ;-)

September it is!

annette said...

i tried to give blood in college a couple of times. the first time i couldn't give because i had gotten my tattoo less than 12 months prior. the second time i had gone to venezuela and for the same reasons as mexico, i could not give. i have definitely passed the time period for being back but my only excuse now is that i'm a big fat chicken! i should probably give, though, because my blood type is one of the rarer ones...