30 March 2006

New contract!

Yahoooooo! I just got back from the airport where I signed my 8th short term contract!
6 more months.
After acting icy with the chief of personnel, I went to the office where WE ramp agents are in between flights. I found some collegues and some guys of the team of load and unload of baggages who greeted me happily. :-)
I also changed some shifts so to have more chaces to work at the pool.
I came back and called the vet to know how Monocolo's 'poo-exams' were and... he has parassites but nothing serious... so we're gonna give him drugs and we're going to fix it soon.:-)
Last but not least...the cherry tree is blooming... and it is such a magical thing to me.
I may have some Samurai anchestor.
I have a big smile on my face... and the sun enlights it!

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