28 February 2006

That's enough!

It's true... I need money, but I can't go on like this.
Today I'm really pissed off. (sorry).
I went to the stinky job (I'm going there only 3 days a week for 5 hours each time) and during the 10 minutes break I talked to 'Desperate-Collegue' and he told me that today was his last day. I congratulated 'cause maybe he found something better but NO! NO! He did not found another job... he has been... let's say.... FIRED! Fired it's not the proper word because the work contracts are tricks. They cannot fire us because the contracts we all signed identify us like free lance, so they only wait our contracts to expire and then they (let's say) let you go! Ops... of course they told Desperate-collegue about this 3 days ago.
So the clue for this last news is that next week are going to be the last 3 days at work at the stinky job and hoops, I'm going to tell them I'll quit right the last day of work.
It won't change anything since another desperate will be there to take my place right the very next day. But at least I won't feel such a slave!
On the other side I'll be poorer... but it doesn't change much... from poor to poorer it's not a great change.

P.S. Still have to talk to Andrea about this but... I'm sure he'll volunteer for extra hours at work:-)

Gotta go to the swimming-pool... I like this job:-)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Aack, that's lousy! There has to be something else out there...at least, that's what I keep telling myself.